
The word Haasid (envier) is more general in meaning than the word Ayn (one who puts the evil eye on another), hence in Surah Al-Falaq the mention is made of seeking refuge with Allah (SWT) from the evil of the one who envies. The Haasid is an envious person whose envy is accompanied by resentment, so he wishes that the blessing be taken away, whereas the Ayn simply likes a thing. Hence the evil eye may come from a righteous man or woman, and a man may put the evil eye on his own wealth, child or family without realising it. However both the evil eye and envy have the same effect, which is causing harm to the thing that is liked or envied.

So you have Ayn-ul Haasid (the Evil Eye of Envy), & Ayn-ul Muta’ajjib (The Evil Eye of wonderment), both have the same devastating effect even if the core intention behind them differs.